6-8 Oct 2022 Paris (France)

Linguistic Evidence 2022

Linguistic Evidence has as its specialism the relationship between elicited data types such as experimentation, field work, and questionnaires and linguistic theory building in the field of syntax and semantics. The aim of this biannual conference series is to provide an occasion where linguists who wish to combine attention to empirical adequacy with theoretical informedness can meet and learn from each other. The central aim is to promote the integration of experimental and theory-driven approaches to the study of language.

Research across disciplinary boundaries in which theoretical and/or experimental linguists work together with colleagues in adjacent fields is always welcome, as are meta-studies which address issues around the collection and processing of elicited data.
The University of Tübingen has organized Linguistic Evidence since 2004. Linguistic Evidence 2022 will be organized by the Laboratoire de Linguistique Formelle (Université de Paris – CNRS)  and the Laboratoire d’Excellence « Empirical Foundations of Linguistics ».

Keynote speakers

  • Evelina Fedorenko (MIT)
  • Sam Featherston (U Tübingen)

Invited speakers for special session on unbounded dependencies :

  • Ted Gibson (MIT)
  • Maayan Keshev (Amherst)
  • Rui Chaves (SUNY at Buffalo)
  • Susanne Winkler (U Tuebingen)

Important dates

Submissions can be uploaded from April 1st 2022

Deadline for Submissions: May 31st 2022

Notification of acceptance: Beginning of July 2022




Due to the summer break, early registration payment was a bit complicated. We therefore extend early registration to September 15. 

The full paper submission is also extended to SEPTEMBER 19 for similar reasons. Please find instructions for final papers in the attached file: Paper_Format.pdf, in word doc: Final_paper_format.docx



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